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How to come to Serbia? - 6 ways to get to your destination

To visit some of the fantastic destinations in Serbia and explore everything that may interest you, you must first have a good itinerary.

We will assume that you have a ready list of places to visit, you have packed everything, prepared the camera and that is it.

Of course, it is not!

Before starting the trip, you must determine the way you want to get to Serbia (this of course applies to people currently outside of Serbia).

Fortunately, travel is very affordable today, so you can choose the way that suits you best. So, some may prefer to travel by plane, some are fans of trains, and some simply prefer to travel by car.

However, there are other, more affordable or more expensive ways to get to your destination. That is why we decided to present the 10 best ways to get to Serbia. Well, if you’re ready, let’s get started!

1. Private car

As we mentioned earlier, there are a lot of people who like to travel by car. They simply feel most comfortable that way.

If you decide on this type of travel, you need to know a few things.

First, you need to know all the pros and cons of traveling by private car.

Of course, the advantages are great, and above all, you get more freedom to go where you want and see everything that interests you. Also, you have the option to carry a lot more luggage than when traveling in any other way. Of course, we should not forget that there is also a segment of fun and adventure.

However, on the other hand, you can very easily encounter problems and car breakdowns. In addition, the journey itself can take a long time, depending on the starting point, and that brings fatigue and exhaustion.

Furthermore, fatigue and exhaustion may mean that you will have to take breaks, and book accommodation to rest. All this together increases the cost of travel.

Lastly, if you are not an experienced driver, you can easily get lost, especially if you switch to local roads that may be poorly marked.

However, regardless of all this, you should not cancel a trip by private car, because as we mentioned earlier, this can be an exceptional and unforgettable adventure.

Before starting the trip to Serbia, it is good to know a few international routes that may pass through the country from which you plan to travel.

Currently, 4 such roads pass through Serbia, and this number refers exclusively to the roads that pass through several countries in Western, Central, Northern and Southern Europe. These are international roads marked E65, E70, E75 and E80.

2. Airline

Unlike cars, with airplanes, you don't have too much to worry about. Simply, choose the site through which you want to book airline tickets, choose the date, the city you come from, and that's it.

In just a few minutes you have provided a fast, safe and convenient way to arrive.

As for the countries from which you can fly to Serbia, it is superfluous to talk, because it is possible to come from any country in the world to any other country, including Serbia. Maybe not by direct flight, but by connecting flights, it is certainly possible.

It is worth mentioning that you have several landing options, namely Belgrade, Niš, Kraljevo and Priština.

3. Bus

By far the cheapest and easiest way to get to Serbia is by bus. From a huge number of European cities, it is possible to travel to almost every city in Serbia at very affordable prices.

The best thing about buses is that there are a lot of departures, so you can choose the time and date and plan a trip today for tomorrow without thinking about whether there will be vacancies.

Another great thing is that traveling to Serbia by bus is very cheap, usually under 100 euros, and often much less than that, regardless of the starting point of the trip.

4. Train

If you do not like the option of coming to Serbia by private car, or maybe you are afraid of flying, then the train is the right solution.

First of all, the advantage of traveling by train is that it is a cheaper way. If you save money on transportation, you can spend it later on something that will mean more to you and that will leave good memories.

Although there are no direct railway lines from all European cities, it is very easy to get to, for example, Budapest, Ljubljana or Zagreb, and then continue traveling by train to Belgrade or another city in Serbia.

5. River cruisers

For an unforgettable experience and a great adventure, it is worth spending a little more money. We are talking about cruising the Danube as another way to come to Serbia.

On the one hand, travel is much more expensive and luxurious than any other way to choose. However, on the other hand, the experience and memories you can have will be remembered for the rest of your life, no doubt.

Most Danube cruises start either in Budapest or Vienna, and a trip along the beautiful blue Danube would not be complete without visiting Novi Sad, then Belgrade and finally the Đerdap Gorge.

Simply, tours like this will allow you to see a lot. First of all, you travel through several European countries. Also, the trip rarely lasts less than 7 days.

When it comes to Serbia, Novi Sad and Belgrade are our biggest cities, very rich in cultural and historical terms. At the end of the trip, the best, Đerdap National Park, gorge, and cruising the widest, deepest and most beautiful part of the Danube. Simply an unforgettable experience!

6. Bicycle

In the end, many will certainly not like the way, but it exists and we must mention it. It is a bicycle ride to Serbia.

Although this is an extremely difficult and arduous way to travel, you can certainly save a lot of money if you are in shape. Plus, if you love cycling long distances, there are no limits for you.

You can have a great time, travel much longer than in any other variant we mentioned earlier and of course, it is very easy to see every corner of Serbia.

If there are adventurers who want to set off on a bicycle, it is important to say that the international bicycle route European Amazon passes through Serbia, i.e. the Danube bicycle route a total length of 1250 kilometers.

Interestingly, although this trail passes through 5 countries, it is part of the huge international cycling route EuroVelo 6, which passes through as many as 11 countries from western to eastern Europe.

Traveling along the fantastic Danube Cycling Route you will be able to get to know the Danube, numerous cities, places, important cultural and historical locations and much more.

Bottom line

No matter which way you choose to come to Serbia, each of them has its pros and cons. Some prefer to arrive quickly, safely and easily, while others prefer to make a real adventure out of travel.

Therefore, each traveler should choose to follow what he/she likes the most, what he is used to and what fits into the itinerary best.

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