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10 Serbian desserts that you must try while you are in Serbia

Serbian cuisine, regardless of whether it is about sweet or non-sweet dishes, is specific in many ways.

First of all, Serbian cuisine can be said to be very rich in terms of many specialties. Every time you travel through Serbia, you will have the opportunity to try a new dish, a new cake, or maybe some well-known specialty, but in a slightly different variant.

However, the most important feature is that Serbian cuisine is a perfect combination of flavors and aromas that are worth coming back to.

After the list of dishes, today we are preparing something completely different. We have prepared a list of the 10 best desserts that you can and must try when traveling to Serbia.

If you haven't, in the meantime, be sure to read the list of the 10 best dishes you must try when you are in Serbia..

And today, we move on to the sweet specialties that set Serbia apart and make it recognizable all over the world.

Well, if you’re ready, let’s get started!

1. Slatko

Slatko is absolutely something you must try if you have never had a chance before. The traditional Serbian welcome is inconceivable without slatko and water, and it is something you can easily experience if you visit ethno households.

Slatko is made of fruit and that is almost any fruit. It is interesting that one fruit is always present in the jar, and the two types are never combined.

It is usually made of strawberries, cherries, figs, but as we said, all kinds of fruits are represented.

Since slatko is always kept in jars, this fantastic Serbian specialty can also serve as a great souvenir and gift for friends and family.

2. Vanilice

Vanilice was recently named the best little cake in the world! Amazing, isn't it!

And while the world is fascinated by vanilice, if you ask anyone in Serbia, these are a common thing. Simply, everyone loves vanilice and they are prepared in every situation.

Therefore, if you want an authentic, traditional and much-loved dessert in Serbia, try vanilice.

3. Strudels

Strudels are a very interesting cake. In fact, they don't even have to be a cake. They can also be salty.

But for this occasion, we are talking about sweet strudels.

They are a well-known delicacy from the north of Serbia, more precisely, they are the most popular in Banat. If you pass through this part of the country, be sure to ask someone where you can find and try good strudels. Actually, not good, moreover, great!

4. Salčići

Salčići are an exceptional treat!

First of all, this traditional cake has a very long history of preparation in Serbia and in fact it looks like puff pastry rolls. Inside, it is usually filled with plum jam, apricot or some similar fruit which gives it an even better taste.

The salčići are crispy and delicious and that is why you must try them.

5. Orasnice

If we had to single out a few Serbian traditional and old-fashioned cakes, then orasnice would surely be one of them.

As their name suggests, the main ingredient in orasnice is walnuts. It is characteristic that they are very tasty and crunchy, but only on the outside, while they are soft on the inside.

Due to the tradition and great taste, you must try the orasnice.

6. Vasina cake

Vasina cake is another exceptional and very popular dessert in Serbia. According to the story, the original recipe was created in Paraćin at the beginning of the last century and has been preserved to this day.

The story about Vasina cake is very interesting. Namely, the cake got its name because the mother of Vasa's wife Jelena, as a sign of gratitude to her son-in-law, designed and made this cake.

That’s all you’ll find out for now. For more details, visit some of the famous pastry shops in Paraćin. They will tell you the rest of the story while you try Vasina cake.

7. Oblande

Oblande are a very popular cake in the whole Serbia. Whether it's the north, south, west or east of the country, everyone makes and everyone loves oblande.

There are several recipes and variants of oblande preparation, but the essence and the result are the same - a crunchy delicious cake!

8. Bajadera

Bajadera is one of the most recognizable cakes in Serbian national cuisine.

Interestingly, Serbia shares this cake with other countries where it is also considered a part of domestic cuisine. But, regardless of the exact origin of the cake, the fact is that everyone loves bajadera.

If you travel through Serbia, and "come across" a family gathering, such as a slava, there is no doubt that you will also see bajadera at the table.

9. Fruit pies and cakes

Fruit pies and cakes are very popular in Serbia. First of all, they are delicious, and they are also quite easy to make, so if you find a recipe somewhere, you can probably manage to make these desserts.

As for the fruits that you can find in fruit pies and cakes, cherries and apples are very likely ingredients but don't be surprised if you taste apricots or some other fruit.

10. Dumplings

Dumplings are characteristic primarily of the northern parts of Serbia, where the local population has been making them for centuries.

The main ingredient is of course fruit, which can usually be plums or apricots.

No matter what fruit it is, be sure to enjoy the flavors of these fruit dumplings.

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